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 1970 - 1971

2 2 8 8 7 0 N 1 0 0 0 0 1
|-| |---| | | | +-------+---> Production Sequence
 |    |   | | |-------------> Year/Engine Type
 |    |   | |                   Chevrolet:
 |    |   | |                     ???
 |    |   | |                   Pontiac:
 |    |   | |                     1 = 8 cylinder, all years
 |    |   | |                     6 = 6 cylinder, all years
 |    |   | +---------------> Assembly Plant
 |    |   |                       N = Norwood
 |    |   |                       L = Van Nuys
 |    |   +-----------------> Model Year
 |    |                           0 = 1970
 |    |                           1 = 1971
 |    +---------------------> Model Number
 |                              Chevrolet:
 |                                ???
 |                              Pontiac:
 |                                387 = Firebird
 |                                487 = Esprit
 |                                687 = Formula
 |                                887 = Trans Am
 +-------------------------> Carline Series
                                  12 = Chevrolet Camaro
                                  22 = Pontiac Firebird

1972 - 1979
2 V 8 7 X 3 N 1 0 0 0 0 1
| | |-| | | | +---------+---> Production Sequence
| |  |  | | +---------------> Assembly Plant
| |  |  | |                       N = Norwood
| |  |  | |                       L = Van Nuys
| |  |  | +-----------------> Model Year
| |  |  |                         2 = 1972
| |  |  |                         3 = 1973
| |  |  |                         4 = 1974
| |  |  |                         5 = 1975
| |  |  |                         6 = 1976
| |  |  |                         7 = 1977
| |  |  |                         8 = 1978
| |  |  |                         9 = 1979
| |  |  +-------------------> Engine Code
| |  |                          Chevrolet:
| |  |                            ???
| |  |                          Pontiac:
| |  |     A = 3.8L Buick, C = 231 ci Buick, D = 250 ci,
| |  |     Y = 301 ci, W/Y = 4.9L, M/N/H/J/P/L/R/X = 350 ci,
| |  |     U/G/L = 5.0L Chevy, L = 5.7L Chevy, R = 5.7L Olds,
| |  |     X = 5.7L Buick, R/T/P/S/N/Z = 400 ci, K = 403 ci,
| |  |     X/Y/W = 455 ci
| |  +----------------------> Body Type
| |                               87 = 2 door coupe
| +-------------------------> Carline Series
|                               Chevrolet:
|                                 ???
|                               Pontiac:
|                                 S = Firebird
|                                 T = Esprit
|                                 U = Formula
|                                 V = Trans Am (1972-1976)
|                                 W = Trans Am (1977-1979)
|                                 X = 10th Anniv Trans Am (1979)
+---------------------------> Make
                                  1 = Chevrolet
                                  2 = Pontiac

2 W 8 7 T A N 1 0 0 0 0 1
| | |-| | | | +---------+---> Production Sequence
| |  |  | | +---------------> Assembly Plant
| |  |  | |                       N = Norwood
| |  |  | |                       L = Van Nuys
| |  |  | +-----------------> Model Year
| |  |  |                         A = 1980
| |  |  +-------------------> Engine Code
| |  |                          Chevrolet:
| |  |                            ???
| |  |                          Pontiac:
| |  |            A = 3.8L Buick, S = 4.3L, A/W = 4.9L,
| |  |            T = 4.9L Turbo, G/H/S = 5.0L Chevy
| |  +----------------------> Body Type
| |                               87 = 2 door coupe
| +-------------------------> Carline Series
|                               Chevrolet:
|                                 ???
|                               Pontiac:
|                 S = Firebird
|                 T = Esprit
|                 U = Formula
|                 W = Trans Am
|                 X = Trans Am Indy/NASCAR Pace Cars
+---------------------------> Make
                                  1 = Chevrolet
                                  2 = Pontiac

 1 G 2 A W 8 7 T 4 B N 1 0 0 0 0 1
 | | | | | |-| | | | | +---------+---> Production Sequence
 | | | | |  |  | | | +---------------> Assembly Plant
 | | | | |  |  | | |                       N = Norwood
 | | | | |  |  | | |                       L = Van Nuys
 | | | | |  |  | | +-----------------> Model Year
 | | | | |  |  | |                         B = 1981
 | | | | |  |  | +-------------------> Check Digit
 | | | | |  |  +---------------------> Engine Code
 | | | | |  |                            Chevrolet:
 | | | | |  |                              ???
 | | | | |  |                            Pontiac:
 | | | | |  |            F/2/5 = 2.5L, I/L/2/S/7 = 2.8L, 
 | | | | |  |            X/Z/1 = 2.8L, T/E = 3.1L, 
 | | | | |  |            H/S/G/E/F = 5.0L, 7/8 = 5.7L
 | | | | |  +------------------------> Body Type
 | | | | |                                 87 = 2 door coupe
 | | | | +---------------------------> Carline Series
 | | | |                                 Chevrolet:
 | | | |                                   ???
 | | | |                                 Pontiac:
 | | | |                 S = Firebird
 | | | |                 V = Formula
 | | | |                 W = Trans Am
 | | | |                 X = Trans Am Special Edition
 | | | |                 Y = Trans Am NASCAR Pace Car
 | | | +-----------------------------> Restraint System
 | | |            A = Manual belts
 | | |            B = Automatic belts
 | | |            C = Automatic belts (inflatable restraint)
 | | +-------------------------------> Make
 | |                                       1 = Chevrolet
 | |                                       2 = Pontiac
 | +---------------------------------> Manufacturer
 |                                         G = General Motors
 +-----------------------------------> Country
                                           1 = USA
                                           2 = Canada


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